cl (pronounced Tickle) is a
general purpose programming
language originally intended
to be embedded in other
applications as a configuration
and extension language. The success
of one of its most important
embeddings, the Tk toolkit for
the X Windows System, has resulted
in Tcl and Tk together being
most heavily used for building
graphical user interfaces
(GUIs). It is also heavily used as
a scripting language like Awk,
Perl or Rexx, and (as Expect)
is used to script interactive
applications (e.g. , to automate
telnet logins to various information
Tcl is virtually unique in the combination
of features it offers:
Scripting Language
Tcl is a powerful scripting language
that runs under Unix,
Linux, VMS, DOS / Windows,
OS/2, and MacOS (at least). It
provides all the usual high-level
programming features that we've
come to expect from languages
like the Unix shell, Awk, Perl, or
Rexx, such as :
· Variable-length strings
· Associative arrays
· Lists
· Keyed lists (aka structs,
structures or records)
· Pattern matching with regular
· Ability to define or redefine
procedures at run-time
· Full file access
· Error handling
Tcl is a small language designed
to be embedded in other applications
(C programs for example)
as a configuration and extension
language. This minimizes the
number of languages that users
need to learn in order to configure
their applications, and makes
these applications programmable
with no extra effort. In addition,
Tcl is a complete and welldesigned
programming language,
whereas many existing configuration
languages were designed
(to be kind) in an ad hoc manner.
Tcl is specially designed to make
it extremely easy to extend the
language by the addition of new
primitives in C. These new
primitives are truly first-class
citizens of the language, sharing
the same error handling and
memory management as the
original primitives. This has led
to many useful extensions, such
as DBMS access (extensions exist
for Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Postgres
and many other DBMS's),
SNMP, Motif, etc. In addition,
this allows Tcl programs to be
optimized by moving timecritical
code into C.
Equivalence of Data and
Like Lisp, Tcl uses the same
representation for data and for
programs. This means that Tcl
programs or scripts can be manipulated
as data: stored in variables,
written to and later read
from files or databases, passed
from one Tcl program to another
across the Internet, etc. In addition,
it means that the programmer
can create new Tcl control
structures or error handling routines
as easily as writing a simple
Automatic Memory
All Tcl data structures are dynamically
allocated and fully
variable in size. The programmer
never needs to allocate memory
or specify maximum sizes.
Tcl supports event-driven programming
(required for GUI programming)
with the ability to associate
Tcl code with any variable
or array element (the code is executed
automatically whenever the
variable is read or written).
IPC Between Multiple Tcl
Tcl supports the passing of Tcl
code as messages between Tcl
applications running on different
machines across the Internet.
This allows client-server
protocols which incorporate
the full power of the Tcl language,
and makes it possible to
write very tightly-integrated
Program Development
Tcl has a powerful symbolic debugger,
timing and profiling
tools, language sensitive editing
modes for Emacs, a WYSIWYG
GUI builder (xf), a real-time application
monitor (tkinspect), etc.
Freely Redistributable
The source code for the Tcl language
system is freely copyable
for any purpose, so it can be
used in commercial applications
as well as academic applications
and freeware. □
Builds stand-alone TCL/TK executables. No compiler required!
OR Use it as a single-file WISH shell
The freewrap program turns
TCL/TK scripts into single-file
binary executable programs.
The resulting program can be distributed
to machines that do not
have TCL/TK installed. The executable
will also work on machines
that have TCL/TK installed
but will use its own TCL / TK
"image". freeWrap itself does not
need TCL / TK installed to run.
The freeWrap program is a TCL/
TK script that has been attached
to a single-file version of the WISH
shell program. The single-file
WISH was created with the help of
the ZIP Virtual File System (ZVFS)
source code provided by D. Richard
Hipp. The ZVFS code has been
adapted for use with TCL's virtual
file system interface.
Easy, one-step wrapping.
FreeWrap consists of a single executable
file. There is no setup required.
Wrapping is accomplished
with a single command.
freewrapTCLSH can be used
to wrap TCL-only scripts.
FreewrapTCLSH creates a single
executable file from a TCL script.
The wrapping syntax is identical to
the freewrap program. This produces
a console-only type of program.
freeWrap can be used as a
single file stand-alone WISH
Renaming the freewrap program
to some other file name causes
freewrap to behave as a standalone,
single-file WISH that can
be used to run any TCL/TK script.
freewrapTCLSH can be used
as a single file stand - alone
TCLSH shell
Renaming the freewrapTCLSH
program to some other file name
causes freewrapTCLSH to behave
as a a stand-alone, single-file
TCLSH shell that can be used to
run any TCL script.
Shared libraries can be used
with your wrapped programs.
FreeWrapped applications can
load TCL/TK shared library extensions
that have been compiled
with the STUBS interface.
Your wrapped programs can
be customized with your own
window icons.
The Windows version of freeWrap
can incorporate your own customized
icon into your wrapped application.
No license fees for
wrapped programs.
There are no license fees associated
with freeWrap. See the free-
Wrap documentation [ 1 ]
Cross-platform generation
of programs is supported.
The -w "wrap using" option allows
cross-platform creation of wrapped
applications without the use of the
target computer system.
freeWrap includes several
Windows-specific commands
for installing your wrapped
These commands can be used to
determine the location of Windows'
special directories and make for
easy creation of file extension
associations and shortcuts.
freeWrap includes commands
for ZIP file creation and
Due to freeWrap's use of the ZIP
Virtual File System any ZIP
archive can be opened so its
contents look like a simple file
subdirectory. The archive's files
are automatically decompressed
when read with TCL commands.
The makeZIP command allows
creation and modification of ZIP
archives from within your free-
Wrapped application.
FreeWrap executables are freely
available for both Linux and
Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP.
Instructions and source code for
building freeWrap on both Windows
and UNIX platforms are
included in the freeWrap source
code distribution. See the Downloads
table below for specifics [ 2 ]
Versions of freeWrap that include
the BLT and TkTable extensions
to TCL/TK are also available for
download. TCL-only versions of
freeWrap are available also for
wrapping TCL (non-TK) scripts. □
≪Tcl is a string-based command language. The language has only a few fundamental constructs and
relatively little syntax, which makes it easy to learn. The Tcl syntax is meant to be simple. Tcl is designed
to be a glue that assembles software building blocks into applications. A simpler glue makes the job easier.
In addition, Tcl is interpreted when the application runs. The interpreter makes it easy to build and refine
your application in an interactive manner. A great way to learn Tcl is to try out commands interactively.≫
«TclTutor is a Computer Aided Instruction package that teaches the basics of the Tcl
programming language. The 40+ lessons in this package can be completed in under 10
minutes each. You'll be ready to start simple programs after the first half dozen lessons.
This program will teach you the syntax for the main Tcl commands and options.» Available
for Mac OS8-10, Unix and Win95+. To download for Windows, pick «Self-Installing Zip» or
(preferably) « Free-Wrapped Executable. »
The Tcl Syntax
by Brent B. Welch An Introduction to Tcl Syntax
September, 1999
For a scripting language, Tcl has a simple syntax.
cmd arg arg arg
A Tcl command is formed by words separated
by white space. The first word is the name of the
command, and the remaining words are arguments
to the command.
The dollar sign ($) substitutes the value of a variable.
In this example, the variable name is foo.
[clock seconds]
Square brackets execute a nested command. For
example: if you want to pass the result of one command
as the argument to another, you use this syntax.
In this example, the nested command is clock
seconds, which gives the current time in seconds.
"some stuff"
Double quotation marks group words as a single argument
to a command. Dollar signs and square brackets
are interpreted inside double quotation marks.
{some stuff}
Curly braces also group words into a single argument.
In this case, however, elements within
the braces are not interpreted.
The backslash ( \ ) is used to quote special characters.
For example: \n generates a newline.
The backslash also is used to "turn off" the
special meanings of the dollar sign, quotation
marks, square brackets, and curly braces.
A Little Example
Below is a Tcl command that prints the current
time. It uses three Tcl commands: set, clock, and
puts. The set command assigns the variable. The
clock command manipulates time values. The puts
command prints the values.
set seconds [clock seconds]
puts "The time is [clock format $seconds]"
Note that you do not use $ when assigning a variable.
Only when you want the value do you use $. The
seconds variable isn't needed in the previous example.
You could print the current time with one command:
puts "The time is [clock format [clock
Grouping and Substitution
The Tcl syntax is used to guide the Tcl parser
through three steps: argument grouping, result substitution,
and command dispatch.
1. Argument grouping. Tcl needs to determine
how to organize the arguments to the commands.
In the simplest case, white space separates arguments.
The quotation marks and braces syntax is used
to group multiple words into one argument. In the
previous example, double quotation marks are used
to group a single argument to the puts command.
2. Result substitution. After the arguments are
grouped, Tcl performs string substitutions. Put
simply: it replaces $foo with the value of the variable
foo, and it replaces bracketed commands with
their result. That substitutions are done after grouping
is crucial. This sequence ensures that unusual
values do not complicate the structure of commands.
3. Command dispatch. After substitution, Tcl
uses the command name as a key into a dispatch
table. It calls the C procedure identified in the table,
and the C procedure implements the command.
You also can write command procedures in Tcl.
There are simple conventions about argument passing
and handling errors.
Another Example
set i 0
while {$i <>
puts "$i squared = [expr $i*$i]"
incr i
Here, curly braces are used to group arguments
without doing any substitutions. The Tcl parser
knows nothing special about the while command.
It treats it like any other command. It is the
implementation of the while command knows that
the first argument is an expression, and the second
argument is more Tcl commands. The braces group
two arguments: the boolean expression that controls
the loop; and the commands in the loop body.
We also see two math expressions: the boolean
comparison and multiplication. The while command
automatically evaluates its first argument as an
expression. In other cases you must explicitly use
the expr command to perform math evaluation.
TCL_Notes page 5 of 6
Command Dispatch
Lastly, Tcl calls something else to do the hard work.
We've seen that Tcl uses expr to perform math
functions; puts to handle output functions; and set
to assign variables. These Tcl commands are implemented
by a C procedure that has registered itself
with Tcl. The C command procedures take the string
arguments from the Tcl command and return a new
string as their result. It is very easy to write C command
procedures. They can do everything from
accessing databases to creating graphical user
interfaces. Tcl, the language, doesn't really know
what the commands do. It just groups arguments,
substitutes results, and dispatches the commands.
One Last Example
Here is the factorial procedure:
proc fac {x} {
if {$x <>
error "Invalid argument $x: must be a positive integer"
} elseif {$x <= 1} {
return 1
} else {
return [expr $x * [fac [expr $x-1]]]
Chapter 1 of Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
E. J. Friedman's Tcl/Tk Course:
Brent B. Welch is the author of "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk." Welch received a BS in
Aerospace Engineering at the
at the University of
on distributed systems, and later a member of the Tcl/Tk team at Sun Microsystems Laboratories.
He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. Home Page:
TCL_Notes page 6 of 6
September 28, 1998
[ excerpts ]
The salacious truth of the scripting paradigm shift to Tcl/Tk and Python
ere's a buzz phrase that should become
big in the next year or so -- "scripting
language." Though you can build full-blown
applications with many scripting languages, they
are generally used to automate a complex series
of tasks you would normally have to type out at a
command prompt. Perl, sh, ksh, csh, bash,
Tcl / Tk, Rexx, Scheme, and Python are all
considered scripting languages.
The Web has raised the visibility of Perl in recent
years. Perl has become practically synonymous with
CGI, due to its elegant character - string handling.
Look for other scripting languages to get a boost
soon, as PCs get more robust and invade the
enterprise infrastructure where the advanced
workstations and minicomputers once ruled.
Why? -- As much as some people would like to
think PCs can replace big machines without
having to resort to a command-line paradigm,
I'm here to tell you it just ain't possible. GUIs
are by nature general purpose interfaces. They're
great for introducing simplicity and consistency
to applications that perform a predictable set of
individual tasks. But they're really lousy at handling
huge, complicated, and unpredictable administrative
operations that step outside the nice, neat
boundaries of predefined groups of users or files.
Imagine that you must grant specific limited
access to 30 directories, 253 files, five printers,
and 17 discussion groups for the Argyle Sock
Division of the worldwide sales force, but give
less-limited rights to any member of that subset
who is also on the management task force but
not based in
requires administrative changes across multiple
applications and OS platforms. A generic GUI
administration tool just isn't going to cut it.
You're much better off writing a simple script.
That's not to say you can't give the script a GUI
front end, even if it is nothing more than a button
labeled "Go." But the administrative task itself
is nevertheless script material.
So expect scripting in general to take off soon. Of
the scripting languages available, I predict Tcl/Tk
and Python will eventually gain the popularity
Perl now enjoys. Although it's somewhat of an
apples and oranges comparison, both Tcl/Tk and
Python are easier to learn than Perl. And like
Perl, there is a version of Tcl/Tk and Python for
practically every platform, including Windows 95
and Windows NT.
Both Python and Tcl/Tk are actually combination
packages. Tcl consists of the Tool Command Language,
which provides most of its scripting capabilities;
and Tk, or TookKit, which adds the GUI
features to Tcl. Likewise, when people talk about
Python, they're usually referring to a combination
of Python, Tkinter, and Tk. Python is the objectoriented
scripting language. Tkinter is the wrapper
that allows Python to use Tk as its de facto standard
for GUI features.
Most important, Tcl/Tk and Python are easily
extensible. They hook into C, C++, and other
function libraries and programs quite easily.
Enterprising programmers have tapped this capability
to give Tcl/Tk and Python access to everything
from IMAP4 e-mail features to Informix,
Oracle, and Sybase database access. You can even
get an ODBC interface for Tcl/Tk on Windows.
Last but not least, the best selling point of Tcl/Tk
and Python is that they are free for download.
Are you using PCs more and enjoying it less?
Have you begun to discover the wonderful world
of scripting as a result?
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