The implementation of expr is careful to preserve accurate numeric values
and avoid conversions between numbers and strings. However, you can make
expr operate more efficiently by grouping the entire expression in curly braces.
The explanation has to do with the byte code compiler that Tcl uses internally,
and its effects are explained in more detail on page 15. For now, you should be
aware that these expressions are all valid and run a bit faster than the examples
shown above:
Example 1–7 Grouping expressions with braces.
expr {7.2 / 4}
set len [expr {[string length foobar] + $x}]
set pi [expr {2*asin(1.0)}]
Backslash Substitution
The final type of substitution done by the Tcl interpreter is backslash substitution.
This is used to quote characters that have special meaning to the interpreter.
For example, you can specify a literal dollar sign, brace, or bracket by
quoting it with a backslash. As a rule, however, if you find yourself using lots of
backslashes, there is probably a simpler way to achieve the effect you are striving
for. In particular, the list command described on page 61 will do quoting for
you automatically. In Example 1–8 backslash is used to get a literal $:
Example 1–8 Quoting special characters with backslash.
set dollar \$foo
=> $foo
set x $dollar
=> $foo
Only a single round of interpretation is done.
The second set command in the example illustrates an important property
of Tcl. The value of dollar does not affect the substitution performed in the
assignment to x. In other words, the Tcl parser does not care about the value of a
variable when it does the substitution. In the example, the value of x and dollar
is the string $foo. In general, you do not have to worry about the value of variables
until you use eval, which is described in Chapter 10.
You can also use backslash sequences to specify characters with their Unicode,
hexadecimal, or octal value:
set escape \u001b
set escape \0x1b
set escape \033
The value of variable escape is the ASCII ESC character, which has character
code 27. The table on page 20 summarizes backslash substitutions.
8 Tcl Fundamentals Chap. 1
A common use of backslashes is to continue long commands on multiple
lines. This is necessary because a newline terminates a command. The backslash
in the next example is required; otherwise the expr command gets terminated by
the newline after the plus sign.
Example 1–9 Continuing long lines with backslashes.
set totalLength [expr [string length $one] + \
[string length $two]]
There are two fine points to escaping newlines. First, if you are grouping an
argument as described in the next section, then you do not need to escape newlines;
the newlines are automatically part of the group and do not terminate the
command. Second, a backslash as the last character in a line is converted into a
space, and all the white space at the beginning of the next line is replaced by this
substitution. In other words, the backslash-newline sequence also consumes all
the leading white space on the next line.
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